职 称
电 话
研 究 组
研 究 生
- 朱展望
- 徐小婷
- 倪忠秋
- 许小宛
- 仝靖洋
- 孙梦静
- 曹强
- 邹新宇
- 李文端
- 赵紫慧
- 丁富功
- 孙梦静
- 刘冰仪
- Youshaa Danyal
- Muhammad Adeel Qureshi
- Yirga Kindie Wasihun
- 叶慧纯
- 1998.9–2002.7:山东农业大学农学专业,学士
- 2003.8–2008.6:山东农业大学作物遗传育种专业,博士
- 2008.7–2010.2:山东农业大学生命科学学院,博士后
- 2010.2–2012.12:美国佐治亚大学作物与土壤科学系,博士后
- 2012.12–2015.11:国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT),Associate Scientist
- 2015.10–2016.2:美国佐治亚大学作物与土壤科学系,高级访问学者
- 2015.01–2021.06:中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,院青年英才,副研究员
- 2021.07–2023.12:中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,院青年英才,所聘研究员,博导
- 2024.1至今: 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,院青年英才,研究员,博导
- 国际小麦协调委员会品质专家组委员
- 第十一届中国作物学会理事
- 耐热高产优质小麦新品种中麦895的选育与应用,2019年农业农村部中华农业科技一等奖,主要完成人(第13位)
- 高产节水多抗广适冬小麦新品种中麦175的选育与应用,2017年农业农村部中华农业科技一等奖,主要完成人(第18位)
- 小麦优质高产分子育种技术体系创立与新品种培育,2023年农业农村部中华农业科技一等奖,主要完成人(第4位)
- 1. 国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项,“小麦重要基因定位克隆与高通量基因型检测平台建立”,2016YFE0108600,2016.12至2019.11,经费295.80万元,项目负责人
- 2. 国家重点研发计划“农业生物种质资源挖掘与创新利用”专项,“北部冬春麦区优质节水抗病高产小麦新种质创制与应用”,课题4“性状表型精准鉴定与基因检测平台优化与应用”,2022YFD1200904,2022.12至2027.11,经费390万元,课题负责人
- 3. 国家重点研发计划“农业生物重要性状形成与环境适应性基础研究”专项,“水稻、小麦营养品质形成的分子调控网络”,课题4“小麦高营养和功能专用品质的分子调控网络”,任务2“小麦铁锌强化的分子基础、机制解析及新种质创制”,2021YFF1000204-2,2021.12至2026.11,经费125万元,任务负责人
- 4. 国家重点研发计划“战略性科技创新合作”专项,“G2P:农作物基因资源阐析”,任务3“农作物新型基因资源创制”,2020YFE0202300,2020.6至2024.6,100万元,子任务负责人
- 5. 国家重点研发计划“七大农作物育种”专项,“黄淮冬麦区北片高产优质节水小麦新品种培育” ,课题2“优质及特色小麦新品种培育”,2017YFD0100602,2017.7至2020.12,经费48.8万元,任务实际负责人
- 6. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,“提升小麦光利用效率和产量潜力的生理遗传基础与理想株型设计研究”,31761143006,2018.1至2022.12,经费80万元,任务负责人
- 7. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,“麦瘟病田间检测系统开发及小麦抗麦瘟病遗传基础解析”,32261143468,2023.1至2027.12,经费80万元,任务负责人
- 8. 人力资源与社会保障部留学人员科技活动项目择优资助,“小麦新型KASP标记的开发及应用”,2016.7至2017.7,经费:3万元,项目负责人
- 9. 中国农业科学院科技创新工程重大科研任务,“作物分子设计育种”,CAAS-ZDRW202109,子任务3“作物品种设计与创制”,2021.1至2023.12,经费128万元,参加团队负责人
- 10. 中国农业科学院科技创新工程国际合作任务,“农业科技走出去协同创新与集成示范研究”,课题7“主要农业发达国家提高作物育种效率及加工利用技术预研究”,CAAS-XTCX2018020-7,2018.1至2020.12,经费50万元,子任务负责人
- 11. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费专项院级统筹工作任务,“作物分子设计育种”,Y2020YJ09,2020.6至2021.7,经费25万元,参加团队负责人
- 12. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费专项院级统筹工作任务,“麦瘟病流行监测与防控关键技术研究”,Y2017XM09, 2017.1至2019.12,经费90万元,项目申请人及执行人
- 13. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费专项所级统筹工作任务-人才专项,“小麦籽粒锌铁含量的QTL定位研究”,2015.1至2015.12,经费10万元,项目负责人
- 14. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费专项所级统筹工作任务-人才专项,“小麦2A染色体重要抗病基因克隆”,S2019YC01,2019.1至2019.12,经费40万元,项目负责人
- 15. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费专项所级统筹工作任务-人才专项,“小麦重要抗病基因克隆”,S2020YC01,2020.1至2020.12,经费7万元,项目负责人
- 中麦30(黄淮南片国审麦20200096、黄淮北片国审麦20210152、北部冬麦区国审麦20241064、湖北鄂北组鄂审麦20241014),第1育种人
- 中麦32(黄淮北片国审麦20220176),第1育种人
- 中麦34(黄淮南片国审麦20220157),第1育种人
- 中麦37(黄淮南片国审麦20243057,国家黄淮北片第二年区试),第1育种人
- 中麦38(黄淮北片国审麦20241050,国家黄淮南片和北部冬麦区第二年区试),第1育种人
- 中麦29(冀审麦20180008,冀中南优质组),参与育成
- 中麦31(冀审麦20210011,冀中南水地组),参与育成
- 中麦39(冀审麦20240026,冀中北水地组),参与育成
- Sun M, Tong J, Dong Y, Pu Z, Zheng J, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Hao C, Xu X, Cao Q, Rasheed A, Ali MB, Cao S, Xia X, He Z, Ni Z#, Hao Y# (2024) Molecular characterization of QTL for grain zinc and iron concentrations in wheat landrace Chinese Spring. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 137:148下载
- Cao Q, Zhu Z#, Xu D, Wu J, Xu X, Dong Y, Bian Y, Ding F, Zhao D, Tu Y, Wu L, Han D, Lan C, Xia X, He Z#, Hao Y# (2024) Characterization of a 4.1 Mb inversion harboring the stripe rust resistance gene YR86 in wheat chromosome arm 2AL. The Crop Journal 12:1168-1175下载
- Ye B*, Liu Y*, Wang Z*, Shen L, Yin C, Shen K, Sun J, Xu X, Sun M, Wu J, He Z, Yu X, Lu F#, Hao Y#, Guo Z# (2024) Genetic basis of geographical differentiation, breeding selection, domestication effects and breeding application for TaJAZ1 in wheat. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 51:665-668下载
- Liu Y*, Yu R*, Shen L*, Sun M*, Peng Y*, Zeng Q, Shen K, Yu X, Wu H, Ye B, Wang Z, Sun Z, Liu D, Sun X, Zhang Z, Dong J, Dong J, Han D, He Z, Hao Y#, Wu J#, Guo Z# (2024) Genomic insights into the modifications of spike morphology traits during wheat breeding. Plant, Cell & Environment下载
- Shen L*, Zhang L*, Yin C*, Xu X*, Liu Y, Shen K, Wu H, Sun Z, Wang K, He Z, Zhang X, Hao C, Hou J, Bi A, Zhao X, Xu D, Ye B, Yu X, Wang Z, Liu D, Hao Y#, Lu F#, Guo Z# (2024) The wheat sucrose synthase gene TaSus1 is a determinant of grain number per spike. The Crop Journal 12:295-300下载
- Naseer S, Sun M, Bibi B, Qayyum H, Khan MR, Hao C, Zhang X, Hao Y#, Rasheed A#, He Z (2024) Transcriptomics of developing grains reveals putative candidate genes for grain zinc and iron in wheat cultivar Zincol-2016. Journal of Cereal Science 118:103966下载
- Wang X, Wang J, Xia X, Xu X, Li L, Cao S#, Hao Y#, Zhang L# (2024) Effect of genotyping errors on linkage map construction based on repeated chip analysis of two recombinant inbred line populations in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Plant Biology 24:306下载
- Zhu Z*, Cao Q*, Han D, Wu J, Wu L, Tong J, Xu X, Yan J, Zhang Y, Xu K, Wang F, Dong Y, Gao C, He Z, Xia X#, Hao Y# (2023) Molecular characterization and validation of adult-plant stripe rust resistance gene Yr86 in Chinese wheat cultivar Zhongmai 895. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 136:142下载
- Xu X, Sun D#, Ni Z, Zou X, Xu X, Sun M, Cao Q, Tong J, Ding F, Zhang Y, Wang F, Dong Y, Zhang L, Wang J, Xia X, He Z, Hao Y# (2023) Molecular identification and validation of four stable QTL for slow-mildewing resistance in Chinese wheat cultivar Bainong 64. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 136:232下载
- Sun M*, Luo Q*, Zheng Q#, Tong J, Wang Y, Song J, Zhang Y, Pu Z, Zheng J, Liu L, Zhou A, Rasheed A, Li M, Cao S, Xia X, He Z, Hao Y# (2023) Molecular characterization of stable QTL and putative candidate genes for grain zinc and iron concentrations in two related wheat populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 136:217下载
- Liu Y*, Shen K*, Yin C*, Xu X*, Yu X, Ye B, Sun Z, Dong J, Bi A, Zhao X, Xu D, He Z, Zhang X, Hao C, Wu J, Wang Z, Wu H, Liu D, Zhang L, Shen L, Hao Y#, Lu F#, Guo Z# (2023) Genetic basis of geographical differentiation and breeding selection for wheat plant architecture traits. Genome Biology 24:114下载
- Liu Y*, Chen J*, Yin C*, Wang Z, Wu H, Shen K, Zhang Z, Kang L, Xu S, Bi A, Zhao X, Xu D, He Z, Zhang X, Hao C, Wu J, Gong Y, Yu X, Sun Z, Ye B, Liu D, Zhang L, Shen L, Hao Y#, Ma Y#, Lu F#, Guo Z# (2023) A high-resolution genotype–phenotype map identifies the TaSPL17 controlling grain number and size in wheat. Genome Biology 24:196下载
- Ding F*, Tong J*, Xu R, Chen J, Xu X, Nadeem M, Wang S, Zhang Y, Zhu Z, Wang F, Fang Z#, Hao Y# (2023) Identification of stable quantitative trait loci underlying waterlogging tolerance post-anthesis in common wheat (Triticum aestivum). The Crop Journal 11:1163–1170下载
- Xu X*, Ni Z*, Zou X, Zhang Y, Tong J, Xu X, Dong Y, Han B, Li S, Wang D, Xia X, He Z#, Hao Y# (2023) QTL mapping reveals both all-stage and adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew in Chinese elite wheat cultivars. Plant Disease 10.1094/pdis-02-23-0399-re下载
- Tong J, Zhao C, Sun M, Fu L, Song J, Liu D, Zhang Y, Zheng J, Pu Z, Liu L, Rasheed A, Li M, Xia X, He Z#, Hao Y# (2022) High resolution genome wide association studies reveal rich genetic architectures of grain zinc and iron in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 13下载
- Zeng Z, Guo C, Yan X, Song J, Wang C#, Xu X, Hao Y# (2022) QTL mapping and KASP marker development for seed vigor related traits in common wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 13下载
- Zhu Z, Xu X, Fu L, Wang F, Dong Y, Fang Z, Wang W, Chen Y, Gao C, He Z, Xia X, Hao Y# (2021) Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for Fusarium head blight resistance in a doubled haploid population of Chinese bread wheat. Plant Disease 105:1339-1345下载
- Hao Y, Rasheed A, Zhu Z, Wulff BBH, He Z# (2020) Harnessing wheat Fhb1 for Fusarium resistance. Trends in Plant Science 25:1-3下载
- Zhu Z, Chen L, Zhang W, Yang L, Zhu W, Li J, Liu Y, Tong H, Fu L, Liu J, Rasheed A, Xia X, He Z, Hao Y#, Gao C# (2020) Genome-wide association analysis of fusarium head blight resistance in chinese elite wheat lines. Frontiers in Plant Science 11下载
- Xu X, Zhu Z, Jia A, Wang F, Wang J, Zhang Y, Fu C, Fu L, Bai G, Xia X, Hao Y#, He Z# (2020) Mapping of QTL for partial resistance to powdery mildew in two Chinese common wheat cultivars. Euphytica 216:3下载
- Tong J*, Sun M*, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Rasheed A, Li M, Xia X, He Z#, Hao Y# (2020) Dissection of molecular processes and genetic architecture underlying iron and zinc homeostasis for biofortification: from model plants to common wheat. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21:9280下载
- Zhu Z*, Hao Y*#, Mergoum M, Bai G, Humphreys G, Cloutier S, Xia X, He Z# (2019) Breeding wheat Fusarium head blight resistance in the Global North. The Crop Journal 7:730-738下载
- Peng Y*, Liu H*, Chen J, Shi T, Zhang C, Sun D, He Z, Hao Y#, Chen W# (2018) Genome-wide association studies of free amino acid levels by six multi-locus models in bread wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1196下载
- Hao Y, Parks R, Cowger C, Chen Z, Wang Y, Bland D, Murphy JP, Guedira M, Brown-Guedira G, Johnson J# (2015) Molecular characterization of a new powdery mildew resistance gene Pm54 in soft red winter wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128:465-476下载
- Hao Y*, Velu G*, Peña RJ, Sukhwinder-Singh#, Singh RP# (2014) Genetic loci associated with high grain zinc concentration and pleiotropic effect on kernel weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Molecular Breeding 34:1893-1902下载
- Hao Y, Cambron SE, Chen Z, Wang Y, Bland DE, Buntin GD, Johnson JW# (2013) Characterization of new loci for Hessian fly resistance in common wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 126:1067-1076下载
- Hao Y, Chen Z, Wang Y, Bland D, Parks R, Cowger C, Johnson J# (2012) Identification of Pm8 suppressor at the Pm3 locus in soft red winter wheat. Crop Science 52:2438-2445下载
- Hao Y, Wang Y, Chen Z, Bland D, Li S, Brown-Guedira G, Johnson J# (2012) A conserved locus conditioning Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus resistance on the long arm of chromosome 5D in common wheat. Molecular Breeding 30:1453-1464下载
- Hao Y, Chen Z, Wang Y, Bland D, Buck J, Brown-Guedira G, Johnson J# (2011) Characterization of a major QTL for adult plant resistance to stripe rust in US soft red winter wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 123:1401-1411下载
- Hao Y, Liu A, Wang Y, Feng D, Gao J, Li X, Liu S, Wang H# (2008) Pm23: a new allele of Pm4 located on chromosome 2AL in wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117:1205-1212下载
- Hao Y, Rasheed A, Jackson R, Xiao Y, Zhang Y, Xia X, He Z (2020) Advanced Genomics and Breeding Tools to Accelerate the Development of Climate Resilient Wheat. In: Kole C (ed) Genomic Designing of Climate-Smart Cereal Crops. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 45-95
- Velu G, Hao Y (2016) Molecular marker strategy to enhance grain zinc concentration in bread wheat. In Dreisigacker, S., Sehgal D., Reyes Jaimez A.E., Luna Garrido B., Muñoz Zavala S., Núñez Ríos C., Mollins J., Mall S. (Eds.). CIMMYT wheat molecular genetics: laboratory protocols and applications to wheat breeding. Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT.
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- 一种用于检测中麦895抗条锈病QTL的分子标记及使用方法 201811031535.X 2018.09.05 发明专利 1/7